Denver Market Watch December 12, 2017

Supply vs. Demand

Supply vs. Demand

It is just hard to imagine a market like this.  Declining inventory and strong demand are keeping sellers in the driver’s seat, but recently in some communities and higher price ranges, buyers are starting to gain some traction with choice and pricing.

It is just a guess at this point, but there is some anecdotal evidence, affordability is starting to kickback.  2018 Will be a watershed year.  Buyers and Sellers will be facing off a price points never seen before in Denver.   Who will win?  We will have to wait and see, but the next episode will be worth waiting for.

New Listing (717)
Back On Market (214)
Price Increase (122)
Price Decrease (505)
Under Contract (1214)
Withdrawn (196)
Leased (25)
Sold (1239)
Expired (229)

Here are some follow up graphics on several submarkets.  Remember, if you have any questions, please contact us…tc

About Tom & Dee Cryer

Your Trusted Advisors in the Homeownership Business!
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